المجلة الجزائرية للدراسات الإنسانية
Volume 4, Numéro 1, Pages 140-153

Environmental Education: Legal Principles And School Practices

Authors : Amari Elarabi .


Today, the school undertakes heavy tasks that go beyond education and indoctrination to social and citizenship education. To perform her duties, she draws her ideas and materials from various scientific and legal sources. Environmental education, as a sensitive subject, was the subject of legalization by the legislator and by the school. In this article we study various legal principles and ethical values for the topic of environmental protection and its implications for school programs and the school's role in environmental education. Where we do an analytical study of this subject through textbooks. The school is a major social actor that provides an important program in the field of environmental protection, but educational situations do not rise to the required level.


Environmental education ; law ; textbooks ; 2nd Generation programs