مجلة مينا للدراسات الإقتصادية
Volume 5, Numéro 2, Pages 101-112

The Agency Theory Of Corporate Governance

Authors : Boukerma Hamid .


Corporations in their lifetimes’ are surface to many and different problems that make its’ continuity in danger. Between these problems we have a situation when the founder or the entrepreneur want to develop his activities’ and need a secondary man to associate him to deal with the partners (workers, clients…) and take decisions in his place, this is what’s called in management sciences an agency relationship. So, as the important of this relationship, the researchers study it to give its deferent components and mechanism to be able to keep it in well, it’s called agency theory. Our work, by a literature revue, will give explanation for the important and key terms that introduced by researchers to understand this agency relationship in corporates, and using our professional experience in corporate, we tracked some elements that occurred real life.


governance ; agency relationship ; agency cost ; information asymmetry.