Volume 22, Numéro 2, Pages 1005-1016

The Role Of Plurilingualism And Metacognition In Literary Creative Writing

Authors : Bouazid Tayeb .


This study demonstrates the impact of plurilingualism on the students’ metacognition and creative writing. Plurilingualism helps metacognition become an essential part of a successful learning environment; it enables individuals to better manage their cognitive skills. Hence, a questionnaire on plurilingualism was administered to 40 BA students to check whether the stronghold connection with the practice of writing and learners’ prior knowledge through plurilingualism exists or not. The questionnaire analysis and findings have witnessed a growing advantage for plurilingual students to develop metacognitively in literary creative writing in comparison to their mates the monoglots. (94 words)


plurilingualism ; metacognition ; literacy ; development ; impact