المجلة الدولية للاداء الاقتصادي
Volume 5, Numéro 1, Pages 155-170

Islamic Banking In Algeria Between Reality And Challenges (ar)

Authors : Allam Athmane . Hamla Azeddine .


Algeria witnesses in the field of Islamic banking only two banks (Al-Baraka Bank and Al-Salam Bank), Algeria has been very late in the field of activating Islamic banking, so that the first Islamic bank Al-Baraka was established in 1990, and a second Islamic bank was established in Al-Salam in 2008, with a delay of 28 years, and Algeria sought during the year 2020 to issue a system for Islamic banking, which indicates Algeria’s interest in moving towards Islamic finance, but the matter needs more in light of the challenges facing Islamic banking in Algeria, especially in light of a traditional banking business that represents 97%.


Islamic banking; Islamic Banks; Financial Services; Reality and challenges; Algeria.