مجلة الامتياز لبحــوث الاقتصاد والادارة
Volume 6, Numéro 1, Pages 395-408

Issuing Islamic Sukuk Internationally: Reality And Challenges

Authors : Kettaf Chafia .


The present study aims to shed light on the importance of Islamic sukuk, which has witnessed great demand and rapid spread in recent years in both Islamic and non-Islamic countries alike, as one of the most important and promising Islamic financial industrial products, and one of the best means of attracting real savings and collecting the necessary funds, to finance various development projects economically and socially in legitimate ways. On this basis, this research paper revolves around the conceptual framework of Islamic sukuk, with an attempt to clarify the process of issuing Islamic sukuk and highlight the necessary steps and parties involved for its issuance. On the same line of thought, this study seeks to explore the role and importance of issuing Islamic sukuk, in order to finally identify the most important obstacles and challenges facing this industry and threatening its growth and development.


Islamic sukuk ; Islamic finance ; sukuk issuance ; Sharia regulations