السياسة العالمية
Volume 6, Numéro 1, Pages 520-538

دور السياسة النقدية في معالجة البطالة في الجزائر دراسة قياسية للفترة 1990-2019

الكاتب : زواد نجاة . زواد نسيمة .


This study aims to highlight the role of monetary policy in addressing unemployment in during the period 1990-2019, and for this we relied in this research paper on the VAR model, which allowed us to measure the impact of monetary policy on unemployment rates by estimating the parameters in the short and long terms, and The results showed that unemployment rates are affected by weak rates in the short term and that there is no long-term equilibrium relationship between the variables during the study period. This confirms the weakness of monetary policy in influencing unemployment and this is consistent with the reality of the national economy because monetary policy and its objectives did not give importance The highest levels of employment in the labor market.

الكلمات المفتاحية

monetary policy ; unemployment ; the labor ; VAR model