مجلة أنسنة للبحوث و الدراسات
Volume 13, Numéro 1, Pages 251-264

Political Contributions Of The Association Of Muslim Scholars To The Algerian National Movement ,the Islamic Conference As A Model (1936-1937)

الكاتب : حليلي بن شرقي . حليمي مصطفى .


The Algerian national movement witnessed profound transformations and great maturity at the beginning of the twentieth century due to its saturation with nationalist ideas and global cultures, which was directly reflected in its demands and programs, as we find that many currents have become more compatible with Algerian issues, and the Islamic Conference was inclusive of various currents and a forum for unity National and a great starting point in the history of the Algerian struggle. It suffices that it was the first and largest unified meeting of all the forces opposed to colonial rule. The Islamic Conference, whose demands included all political, religious, social and economic affairs, represented an open step by the reformist movement in the political field, which it refrained from for several years, as the colonial administration was ignorant that the life of Islamic peoples is characterized by the political act being closely linked to the religious act, which is the matter What she discovered after the Islamic Conference was held in 1936 and made her realize the extent of the national, national and political depth of religious reform demands.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Association of Muslim Scholars ; The Algerian national movement ; ; Islamic conference. Reforms ; ; political demands; French government.