Volume 12, Numéro 1, Pages 2878-2886

Caractérisation De Souches Algériennes Locales De Psorose (cpsv)

Auteurs : Larbi Djamila .


The study conducted on citrus fruits in the region of Mitidja (ITAFV Boufarik) for the detection of viral viruses such as CPsV, allowed us, after results of control on the presence of high incidence of the CPsV virus with typical symptoms on the trees being prospected, that’s why we directed our work towards further research, namely the characterization of local Algerian psorosis strains. This work has been carried out, partly in Algeria, concerning the sampling and the prospection of the trees showing symptoms associated with the presence of the psorose virus in the field. In Italy, the IAM of Bari with the collaboration of the laboratory of IPM virology, characterization works were carried out, first, by a biological characterization on lignin and herbaceous indicators, a serological characterization using different mono and polyclonal antibodies and a physico-chemical characterization. The results of the characterization of the four local strains of CPsV showed a certain homogeneity between them, these, are characterized mainly by a similar, even identical response of the symptoms induced on the woody indicators; also, the serological reactions, indicated that all the local sources tested reacted with the monoclonal antibody Ps 29. The comparison of these strains with other strains originating from the Mediterranean basin, showed a similarity between the Algerian and Moroccan strains. The physicochemical characterization based on the isolation of the virus and its purification, made it possible to obtain rather clean purifiers; however, the low concentration obtained proved to be insufficient to thus produce an antiserum; however promising results through the good multiplication of the virus on Chenopodiumamaranticolor could have a positive effect on the possibility of producing this antiserum in the future.

Mots clés

CPSV ; .Citrus ; Souches locales algériennes ; Caractérisation

Caracterisation Phenotypique De Souches De Rhizobia Isolees De Quatre Especes De Medicago Dans La Vallee De La Soummam (algerie)

Sebbane N .  Boulila A .  Sahnoune M .  Ramdani N .  De Lajudie P .  Benallaoua S . 
pages 5-10.

Détermination Et Caractérisation Des Sidérophores Synthétisés Par Quelques Souches De Pseudomonas Spp. Fluorescents Phytobénéfiques

Benzina-tihar Farida .  Oulebsir-mohand Kaci Hakima .  Hamid Sonia .  Reghmit Abd Ennaceur .  Sahir-halouane Fatma . 
pages 39-52.