Traduction et Langues
Volume 20, Numéro 2, Pages 276-287

معوقات تلقي الرسالة التعليمية الشفهية في ظل وباء كورونا(كوفيد-19): فهم المنطوق في مرحلة التعليم الابتدائي أنموذجا Obstacles To Receiving The Oral Educational Message In Light Of The Corona Pandemic(covid-19): Understanding The Oral In Primary Education As Example

الكاتب : رشيد نعيمة . ضياف فاطمة الزهراء .


This research paper attempt to reveal the impact of wearing a mask on the primary school student’s receiving of the oral educational message in a proper manner during the verbal comprehension activity. We also indicate the obstacles that may face the achievement of the desired educational goals from this activity. The importance of this topic stems from shedding light on a sector that is considered one of the sectors most affected by the Corona Virus (Covid-19) pandemic, which is the education sector. This situation calls for raising several questions at the level of the educational-learning process, related to the teachers’ ability to achieve their educational goals in light of The imposed health measures, especially the obligation to wear a mask, in addition to his preoccupation with an educational stage that is the pillar of education in the later stages. We have divided this paper into four main components; In the first element, we touch on the concept of educational communication, in the second element we explain the communication parties in the educational process and their most important characteristics, in the third element we highlight the most important characteristics of the oral message. Finally, we try to reveal the obstacles that could impede receiving, understanding and assimilating the oral message based on the theoretical data provided in the previous elements. We conclude this paper with the most important findings, accompanied by some recommendations.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Oral educational message, educational communication, utterance understanding, COVID-19