مجلة المواقف
Volume 17, Numéro 2, Pages 1049-1076

التعايش بين الشعوب والحوار بين الأديان" حتمية الماضي والحاضر"

الكاتب : بكاري عبد القادر . بكاري عبد القادر .


Title: Coexistence between peoples and civilizations “memories of the past and ambition of the present” Abstract: The subject of dialogue between the religions, and the coexistence between peoples is occupying a wide space in public political relations sphere today, and it’s without a double one of where there’s more interest towards it from institutions and associations. More conferences and meeting are organized to achieve it, and political visits are help by politicians and religious persons trying to apply it as the most appropriate approach to achieve interaction and rapprochement between nations, and the ideal way to avoid any danger of wars conf The coexistence and dialogue between peoples must be based on solid foundations, and great values built for the benefit of humans. There is no law which regulates human life like the divine laws, and this what all the heavenly religious have brought. They all call for coexistence and dialogue; and aim to reach the right and justice among all the humans there fore, it’s necessary to affirm that people have no choice to limit the fight and principles of dialogue to get rid of infighting and tension . In this article we attempt to draw attention to the importance and necessity of coexistence and dialogue, and the need for renewal in the relations between the various groups of people, the spectrum and the objectives, through some historical and realistic visions. Our study aims also to clarify many historical stations which characterized the relations of Islamic people’s, especially Christianity and Judaism, trying to identity some aspects of this issue, in relation to the need for humanity to reflect the system of human values, and faith in the cultural diversity of intellectual cultural field, time and actions, and the usefulness of transition from the historical subject to reality

الكلمات المفتاحية

dialogue ; coexistence ; religions ; peoples ; laws