مجلة المفكر
Volume 16, Numéro 2, Pages 431-452

-the Legal Nature Of Domain Names Under The Civil Law And Jurisprudence - A Comparative Study

Authors : Mabrouki Said . Yousfi Noureddine .


Domain names are fertile ground for conflicting rights, because of their importance on the internet. Due to the roles that domain names play, a big competition between companies and institutions has arisen to get a domain name of their own, hence why a complex economic and service environment has emerged. With this situation, developing a special legal system, which establishes a new idea, has become essential. The idea is that domain names are like intangible assets, for their economic value and the possibility of possessing them and because they represent an autonomous right of a special nature that can be subject to the right to property contained in the civil code.


Domain Name; Identification marks ; The Right of Property