مجلة المنهل الاقتصادي
Volume 4, Numéro 3, Pages 697-712

The Achievements Of Bancassurance In Algeria: Analytical Vision On The Period 2008-2019

Authors : Guemmaz Souhil .


This paper aims to shed light on the quantitative achievements of Algerian bancassurance since its launch in 2008 until 2019. The study showed the slight impact of bancassurance in Algeria on the total turnover of the insurance market. This is due to the nature of the insurance products marketed by the banker. We also found through this paper that despite the efforts made by financial institutions to introduce bancassurance in Algeria, in light of the 2008 reforms. However, thinking about designing bancassurance products in line with the nature of banking activity has become a necessity, especially those related to savings contracts. Products can be segmented in terms of insurance pricing and advertising efforts are required. While not losing sight of conflict of interest between banks and insurance companies in this regard.


Bancassurance ; Savings contracts ; Product segmentation ; Conflict of interest ; Algeria