مجلة الإستراتيجية والتنمية
Volume 10, Numéro 1, Pages 251-271

The Electronic Clearing System In Algeria After 13 Years Of Reforms: With Reference To The Tunisian Experience

Authors : Guemmaz Souhil .


This study aims to highlight the assessment of the Algerian electronic clearing system, set up since 2006, thus after 13 years of the reform, and aimed essentially at the dematerialization of the exchange of values. This passage was an obligation imposed by the economic situation that the banking system knows through the internal and external landscape. The study showed that the Algerian electronic clearing has a static position in the development of the means of payment circulating in the system as well as the recovery times of values. Algerian banking system suffer late compared to that of neighboring countries like Tunisia, where the electronic clearing went from 48 hours to 24 hours between 1999 and 2011 in terms of recovery, and the entry into E-clearing of standardized bills of exchange, after four years of operating application.


Electronic clearing ; Algeria ; Bank ; dematerialization ; Means of payment.