مجلة البشائر الاقتصادية
Volume 7, Numéro 3, Pages 777-791
Authors : Khelifa Fatima Zohra . Taleb Fatima .
This study aims to analyze the relationship between the investment climate and foreign direct investment in Algeria by estimate the relationship between the FDI (as a dependent variable) and other three variables: GDP (per capita), Openness index and Political stability (as independent variables) by using a Half-logarithmic model for the period (2000-2019). The results of the study showed that there is a positive effect of the Gross domestic product per capita on the Foreign Direct investment, a strong positive effect of openness index on the FDI has been confirmed, technically (a change increase or decrease) by one unit of the Openness Index of the Algerian Economic, ceteris paribus, should make a change of the FDI by 2.55%. We confirmed the existence of the causality (in Granger sense) of political stability to the FDI during the study period.
Investment climate, foreign direct investment, Openness index, Political stability, Half –logarithmic model, attractiveness.
روشو عبدالقادر
ص 57-73.
بوسالم أحلام
عابد يوسف
ص 117-132.
Yahia Zeghoudi
pages 74-88.
Bouyacoub Brahim
pages 780-797.
Lefilef Abdelhak
Cherbi Mohammed Lamine
pages 922-932.