Revue algérienne d'économie et gestion
Volume 15, Numéro 1, Pages 833-850

La Relation Entre Les Déficits Budgétaires Et Le Taux De Change Nominal Suite à Des Chocs Extérieurs Négatifs. Témoignages En Provenance D’algérie

Authors : Lalali Rachid . Zidelkhil Abdelhalim .


The paper empirically explores the relationship between the nominal exchange rate “USD/DZD” and two variables such as “Foreign exchange reserves and the budget balance” in Algeria, using a VAR modelisation on annual time series data for the period of 1967 to 2017. The empirical findings show that there is a significant negative short-run relationship between the exchange rate and respectively budget balance and the level of exchange reserves. Even if the exchange rate is determinated by the bank of Algeria, our study advances the fact, that it could have budgetary causes.


Budget deficit ; devaluation ; nominal exchange rate