مجلة المسار الرياضي
Volume 3, Numéro 6, Pages 54-73

دور الرسائل الاتصالية الإلكترونية في تنمية الثقافة الرياضية لدى مستخدمي مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي

الكاتب : أستاذ مساعد محمود نافذ محمد الناطور .


The current study aimed to identify the role of electronic communication messages in the development of sports culture among users of social networking sites, as well as to identify the differences between the responses of users of social networking sites with different gender and age variable. The study used the descriptive analytical method, as it relied on the questionnaire prepared by the researcher, and applied it to a sample of (283) users of social networking sites. The most important results of the study were: 1. The mean averages for the paragraphs of the axis of healthy behavioral habits have obtained the highest ratio between the axes which is (95.06). 2. There are no statistically significant differences that enhance the age variable among social media users. Accordingly, the researcher recommends the following: The need for social media to be concerned with spreading sports culture through specialized sites, and educating individuals by the responsible authorities on the pros and cons of communication messages on social media. Sports communication messages must be more specific. Therefore, communication messages related to the health of individuals on social media should be increased and intensified. Organizations should be notified of the importance of holding more specialized programs on social media, and focus on specialized communication messages, taking into account the target group. Focus on communicative messages by disseminating sports culture because it is more accessible.

الكلمات المفتاحية

الثقافة الرياضية ; الرسائل الاتصالية. الفضاء الرقمي