Volume 8, Numéro 1, Pages 53-61
Authors : Djebbari Houda .
Testing has become an integral part in language education as it is needed for a variety of purposes. This high-flying aspect of educatione should be reflected upon the amount of the literature. The reservation of testing policies seems to be among the most fundamental issues occupying language education research. Therefore, it is difficult to speak about educational reforms and revolutions without speaking about reforms in the testing arena. This paper seeks to review the existing literature related to the study; it highlights concepts-related like standardized tests, language testing , and their relations to learners’ overall outcome.
washback ; assessment ; educational reforms ; Language Testing ; Students outcomes
Djebbari Houda
pages 601-617.
Cheriet Imane
Khatout Ramdane
pages 304-320.
أحمد شوقي حواجلي
pages 49-68.
بكير سعيد
ص 213-236.