مجلة علوم اللغة العربية وآدابها
Volume 13, Numéro 1, Pages 2706-2719

The Colonial Burden Of The Past In The Present

Authors : Chaami Amine .


Abstract: The exceptionalism has been reinforced by exposing the truth behind terra nullius .The possession and colonization of Australia were justified by the rigorous application of the doctrine of terra nullius. Exposing the underlying principle of terra nullius is a conspicuous s ouvenir in the Australian history that lies beneath the modern Australian state and of the ways in which that history has sometimes been deliberately suppressed to give the impression of more dignified and honoured foundation of Australia. It is more concerned with readdressing the moment of settlement and exposing the reality behind terra nullius in order to deconstruct th mythic aspect of doctrine than focusing on issues which are related to the exact accuracy of events. .


story, terra nullius, exceptionalism,, a conspicuous souvenir