المجلة الجزائرية للبحوث والدراسات التاريخية المتوسطية
Volume 1, Numéro 1, Pages 69-84

الفكر الديني والآلهة في مقاطعة نوميديا في الفترة الرومانية

الكاتب : عليلاش وردية .


The subject of religion and the gods subject of values is of great importance the fact that religion old had enjoyed a greater share of attention and worship and piety and met by his adepts, they are so My reference is important for studies of archaeological where is the fount of knowledge of the evolution of human thinking through the gods espoused regarded as the key to see how much creativity Imagine the human mind in supernatural powers interpreted weakness in the concrete things that are not unable to give a convincing explanation analysis

الكلمات المفتاحية

الفكر الديني والآلهة في مقاطعة نوميديا في الفترة الرومانية