نتائج الفكر
Volume 2, Numéro 1, Pages 128-162

مظاهر التجديد في الخطاب الروائي

الكاتب : محمد مرين .


إنّ التحديث أو التجديد في الخطاب الروائي هو عملية بحث متواصل عن أحدث وآخر الأدوات والوسائل والأشكال للتعبير عن الواقع الاجتماعي فالنص الروائي الجديد هو تجسيد لرؤية فنية وكشف فني للعلاقات الخفية وليست وعظا وإرشادا كما كانت الرواية التقليدية. Abstract The modernization or renovation in the speech the novelist is a continuous search for the newest and latest tools and methods and forms of expression of the social reality of the process, the text of the new novelist, is the embodiment of artistic vision and technical uncover hidden relationships, not the bones are and guidance and education as it was the traditional novel ... In the literary field as a whole update is reflected in the emergence of new forms of work is where to overcome all the aesthetic traditions and systems of intellectual and ideological change in personal attitudes declared and hidden, and by seeking to break college with artistic purposes development of transport and new forms do not address the specific issues but raises aesthetic issues and philosophical where disappear tournament and the roles of heroes, and turn the personal into a mere name, number, or something or voice or conscience, but it suggests the revolution and renewal against all that is prevalent signs of rejection and protest against the social, political and intellectual conditions, which raises a lot of reflection and debate and dialogue and wonder ..and in the form of a revolt amounted to a rebellion against self، With inspired by ancient and modern narrative forms, for the synthesis of new hybrid narrative structure, in the form of a narrative structure mosaic encyclopedic which confirms the diversity and variety, Vozvt new aesthetics and prevailed disintegration and fragmentation and intertextuality of literary, artistic and even non-literary, and used the aesthetics of horror and ugliness, chaos and spaces miraculous to provide a narrative structure is fragmented in order rebellion against authority and the prevailing sense of the building ...

الكلمات المفتاحية

التجديد ، الخطاب الروائي، النص الروائي