مجلة المعارف للبحوث والدراسات التاريخية
Volume 5, Numéro 1, Pages 598-633
الكاتب : علال بن عمر .
We tried through this study for to clear the dust from our literary heritage, then we follow the most important scientific production of our ancestors, also their literary influence which influenced the literary treasury in the Maghreb area, as well as entire Islamic world. Throughout the Hafsid period there were unstable political events, as a result of internal problems and the power struggle by many princes, in addition to appearance of the Christian Recovery Movement which began to align the southwestern coasts of the Mediterranean sea.
الحياة الأدبية؛ الحسلطة الحفصية؛ الجزائر، قسنطينة.
بن محجوبة عبدالقادر
بن موسى حمادي
ص 281-304.
فتحية الفروجي
ص 249-279.
بن واز مصطفى
حيمي عبد الحفيظ
ص 1-14.