Revue Maghrébine des Langues
Volume 3, Numéro 1, Pages 313-320

Teacher Training Socioprofessional Context

Authors : Merbouh Zouaoui .


In my previous communication (10th and 11th December 2002 in Mostaganem), I mentioned that teacher training and teacher education are two concepts to mean the same thing, but they generally refer to two different theoretical approaches to the qualification of teachers. On the one hand, there are educationalists who advocate education based on theoretical knowledge as the most important; on the other hand, academics emphasize training based on practical skills. I also mentioned some problems that teacher assistants are confronted with at the beginning of their career. In this paper, I would like to continue about the same topic, adding other real teaching training problems that teachers, experienced or inexperienced alike, face. English language teachers, like their colleagues in most other disciplines, are not “prepared” for their roles as teachers at all. Most prepare themselves by a method analogous to “learning by doing.”


Teacher Training - SocioProfessional Context