مجلة العلوم الاجتماعية و الانسانية
Volume 10, Numéro 1, Pages 185-196

إشكالية المفاهيم في الخطاب النقدي الفكري العربي المعاصر محمد عابد الجابري و جورج طرابيشي نموذجا

الكاتب : قميتي خديجة .


الملخص: تهدف الدراسة الى البحث في اشكالية المفاهيم القائمة على الخطاب النقدي بين المفكر محمد عابد الجابري والمفكر جورج طرابيشي كمسألة أثيرت في الفكر العربي المعاصر ، بسلسلة نقدية ضخمة موسومة بنقد العقل العربي للجابري مناظرة مع سلسلة نقد نقد العقل العربي لطرابيشي، و تتبنى في مجملها أهم المشاريع و القضايا الفكرية التي قدمها طرابيشي بمقاربة مفاهيمية نقدية ابستمولوجية معاصرة الغرض منها الدعوة الى النظر في الحديث عن تكوين العقل وبنيته والثورة على التقليد الذي قيد هذا العقل العربي وأزمه لفترة زمنية طويلة من جهة و القول بالنقل والاقتباس عن الآخر الغربي من جهة أخرى مما يدعو الى التمحيص بمنهج نقدي مقارن اعتمادا على المرجعيات الفكرية التي أقام عليها الجابري فلسفته . لهذا فموضوع دراستنا يتمحور حول المشروع الذي قدمة طرابيشي كمشروع نقدي للجابري من حيث المفهوم وتشكيل المفهوم والدعوة الى اعادة المفهوم من حيث المفهوم من زاوية ابستمولوجية بما يتوافق مع متطلبات العقل العربي متناولا في ذلك مشروع نقد العقل العربي و القراءة في التراث وتشطير العقل الى غير ذلك من المفاهيم . الكلمات المفتاحية : المفاهيم ، الخطاب ، الخطاب النقدي ، الفكر العربي المعاصر ، التجديد ، نقد المفاهيم Abstract: The study aims at examine the problem of concepts based on the critical discourse between the thinker Muhammad Abed al-Jabiri and the thinker George Tarabishi as a matter raised in contemporary Arab thought, with a huge critical series , which is characterized by the criticism of the Arab mind of al-Jabiri, debating with a series of criticizing the criticism of the Arab mind of Tarabishi, and it adopts as a whole the most important intellectual projects and issues , Which was presented by Tarabishi with a conceptual critical epistemological contemporary approach. The purpose of it is to call for the consideration of the formation of mind and its structure and the revolution on the tradition that restricted this Arab mind and causes him a big crisis for a long period of time on the one hand and the call for copying and quoting from the western one from the other Hand which calls for scrutinizing with a critical comparative approach, depending on the intellectual references that were established by Jabiri philosophy.Therefore, the subject of our study revolves around the project presented by Tarabishi as a critical project to Al Jabiri in terms of concept and the formation of concept and the call for the concept to be redefined from an epistemological point of view in accordance with the requirements of the Arab mind, including the project of criticizing the Arab mind, reading in the heritage and splitting the mind in addition to other concepts. Keywords: the Concepts, the discourse,the Critical discourse, Contemporary Arab thought, Renewal, Criticism of concepts. Abridged summary : Arab intellectuals have had different views about the project of Renaissance "rebirth", some of them have tackled it through generating the problems to find out solutions and ways to have an exit from retardation through studying the rational reality of the Arabs, and this can be via coming back to real life situations which results wrong behaviors, principles, and values trying to correct them through the edition of books and essays which rise awareness and have dealt with the Arab reality from one hand, and from another hand, they scrutinize and criticize thouroughly the ideas, books and the intellectuals points of view to deduce a deep and a right idea. So, one of the strongest situations which characterized the Arab mind is that it has the tendency of criticism,and it is considered as a crucial and an important thing which is in favor of Arab intellectuals. When reviewing the concepts, terms, ideas by overfilling them with accuracy, this becomes practical through implementing rules and laws that will be able to enter them to the practical world and trying to present this difference among arabic concepts predominant among Arab intellectual projects to a tough matter because of the occasions in which the term is applied, and the period to which the concepts are related, perhaps what is difficult is the difference in environment, mentalities and rational resources though the attention is one and it is the speech about the dilemma of Arab's mind retardation between tow matters imitation and innovation,maybe coming back to the general question can be seen essentially in the disagreement between both of Mohammed Abed El Djaberi and George Tarabishi in an attempt for paraphrasing or rereading of concepts based on the modern Arab mind, and all of these could be shaped in an enormous project which had been presented by the Syrian intellect George Tarabishi to the Moroccan intellect Mohammed Abed El Djaberi in a scrutinized criticism, and perhaps the first disagreement that was paid attention by the researcher was the critical response which had been previously said by Tarabishi to El Djaberi in the matter of in intersecting the Arab's mind into oriental and occidental to the informative systems including knowledgeable, argumentative and declarative systems. This had revolutionized Hafidha Tarabishi and made the critical speech more significant than any other concept, and it is followed by the concept of democracy. The speech about the variation in concepts is the speech about the alternative concept that is simple and precise, convoking to dissimilarity is the speech about modern philosophy newfangled with the modernity of the Arab mind and its openness because of mental and technological development which keeps pace with the world. It hastens the acceleration of the Arab man with his reason and mind to reach the west procession. Among the most prominent and remarkable concepts that had been used by Tarabishi as a reaction to El Djaberi were those which had been submitted to critical judgment because of their perfection and imitation to the ideas and thoughts of the formers unconsciously especially the Greek philosophy depending on it particularly in using the term of democracy in handling the Arab's thought which is the concept of mind, secularism and democracy. To sum up this essay, the critical speech is one of the strongest founded projects in its theoretical side through the problematic of concepts in the framework of critical speech among the Arab intellectuals.Some of the chosen examples are Mohammed Abed El Djaberi who was an organizer and editor, and George Tarabishi who was a criticizer, and the problematic of concepts briefly is a mental conception general and abstract from real things. Understanding the fact that it can contribute effectively in improving human existence and exceeding the unknown. Concepts are gnostic productions of any intellectual up to his point of view. The concepts vary from one intellectual to another because of many reasons such as the environment where the intellect lives or the time when the concept is formed or studied. Therefore, concepts are varied in their ways of presentation and their meanings from one intellect to another. Thus, we are tending to deal with the concepts that had been used by Mohammed Abed El Djaberi in his study and how Tarabishi reacted to these concepts through critical speech asking for reviewing them from many sides, one of which is finding out concepts from strange or unauthorized sources and this is what we are going to tackle in our essay.

الكلمات المفتاحية

المفاهيم ; الخطاب ; الخطاب النقدي ; الفكر العربي المعاصر ; التجديد ; نقد المفاهيم