مجلة مدارات تاريخية
Volume 1, Numéro 4, Pages 265-276

ترميم المباني الأثرية بالمغرب،النشأة التطور Restoration Of Archaeological Buildings In Morocco, Emergence And Development.

الكاتب : منير حداد .


While presenting studies on the material cultural heritage in general, some Moroccan pens pointed to the issue of the restoration of archaeological buildings in Morocco incidentally. In this humble contribution, we try to shed light on this subject because of its importance in knowing the circumstances of the emergence and development of this science in Morocco. The problematic presented here is whether the development of this science in Europe can be linked to its development in Morocco for example? The answer to this question is the pivot of our study.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Restoration - material cultural heritage- emergence and development ترميم ـ تراث ثقافي مادي ـ نشأة وتطور