مجلة البحوث القانونية و الاقتصادية
Volume 3, Numéro 3, Pages 651-667

Methods And Types Of Abortion

Authors : Messibah Hadia . Lacheb Meriem .


The creation of man is the greatest verses that indicate the ability of Allah, and the fetus is the beginning of the formation of man, which is the physical configuration, where starts the formation of its organs that provide life and it includes two basics of periods, the first period is before the soul, And the second period is after the arrival of the soul, and between these whole periods of training stages, each of them has different legislation. And this creature, which is in the uterus of woman, is a result of fecundation between the sperm of man with the egg of female. But sometimes it happens in life some social and hard conditions facing woman, make her decide to get rid of this fetus in the abdomen through abortion. But unfortunately abortion has lot of damage for society and woman because of this it defended and sanctioned by criminal law.


Abortion ; Algerian Legislation ; Criminal Penality