Journal de la Faculté de Médecine
Volume 3, Numéro 7, Pages 499-502

Syndrome D’hypertension Intracrânienne Idiopathique Chez L’enfant Révélé Par Une Diplopie : à Propos D’un Cas

Auteurs : Kerrouche Kheira . Guerbouz Rabah . Benfriha Nesrine .


Introduction Idiopathic intracranial hypertension syndrome is a condition affecting young woman, rarely the child. It manifests itself in a series of general and ophthalmological clinical signs. Diagnosis and management are multidisciplinary. Observation A 6-year-old child was admitted for sudden diplopia with headache and vomiting. The diagnosis of idiopathic intracranial hypertension was retained by clinical examination confirmed by imaging. Healing is achieved by medical treatment supplemented by surgery.

Mots clés

Pseudo tumor cerebri, child, diplopia, medical treatment, surgery

Hypertension Intra Cranienne Idiopathique : A Propos D’un Cas Et Revue De La Literrature

Malangu Mhacks .  Adjamou Amidou .  Singoto Kankolongo Daddy .  Ba Momar Code . 
pages 39-43.

Diagnostique Non Invasif De L’hypertension Intracrânienne Via L’échographie Transorbitaire

Hadbi Mohamed .  Hamchaoui Farida .  Houari Loucif .  Abdelhalim Morsli .  Nadia Fellah . 
pages 41-45.

Hellp Syndrome Et Syndrome De Cushing. A Propos D’une Observation

Azzoug Said .  Maiz Hadj Ahmed Aicha .  Chentli Farida . 
pages 208-210.