les cahiers du mecas
Volume 6, Numéro 1, Pages 141-163

القدرة غلى الاستمرار في تحمل المديونية الخارجية بالجزائر

الكاتب : شيبـي عبد الرحيم . بطاهر سمير . شكوري سيدي محمد .


This study is a theoretical and econometric analysis and raises the issue of sustainability of external debt to Algeria. To do this we used some models who are interested in the dynamics of external debt which the standard approach and the econometric approach that is based primarily on tests of stationarity and cointegration. Our study showed that the Algerian economy can continue to tolerate the possibility of external debt which is largely dependent on oil revenues. Thus, external financial balances and credit vary periodically with oil prices.

الكلمات المفتاحية

external debt, sustainability, solvency, stationarity, cointegration.