المجلة الجزائرية للبحوث والدراسات التاريخية المتوسطية
Volume 5, Numéro 1, Pages 86-131
الكاتب : Ouslim Abdelwaheb .
The mouvement of some volunteering young men from the Algerian South-East in the Italian Army stationned in Libya has coincided with the first years of governing of the general Governor -Lutaud . That governor ( Lutaud ) who used all the possible means ; the reppressive ones as well as the corruptive ones also to put an end to this movement between 1913 -1915 ; in which he saw a big loss of the French Army Energy , and a potential and coming danger threatening the security and the stability of the Algerian Colony . But those French efforts were a failure , and those young people didn't return to their tribes only when the Italian Army was defeated in the Libyan region of Ghadamés .
-Volunteering young Algerians in the Italian Army in Libya . ; -The general governor Lutaud ; -Chaanba of El Oued and Ouargla. ; The city of Ghadamès .
لخضر سعيداني
ص 201-215.
لكحل الشيخ
ص 61-75.
مصطفاوي سعاد
قدور محمد
ص 302-326.
فاطمة مزهود
ص 166-177.
أوسليم عبد الوهاب
ص 151-167.