مجلة الأكاديمية الدولية للعلوم النفسية والتربوية والأرطفونيا

Journal of the International Academy of Psychological, Educational and orthophonie Sciences


دورية دولية علمية محكمة نصف سنوية تعنى بنشر الأبحاث في مجالات علم النفس وعلوم التربية والأرطفونيا، تهدف أن تكون فضاء للنشر العلمي الهادف وفق أسس علمية ومنهجية بما يخدم المعرفة بصفة عامة ويساهم في تطوير حقل علم النفس وعلوم التربية والأرطفونيا، للمجلة هيئة تحرير ولجنة علمية وطنية ودولية في مختلف تخصصات علم النفس وعلوم التربية والأرطفونيا.

A semi-annual peer-reviewed international scientific journal, It publishes research in the fields of psychology, educational sciences, and arthonia.It represents a space for purposeful scientific publishing according to scientific and methodological foundations to serve knowledge, Contributes to the development of the field of psychology, educational sciences, and arthonia.The journal has an editorial board and a national and international scientific committee in various specializations of psychology, educational sciences, and arthonia.

Publication Ethics

Publication ethics

The journal strives to maintain the highest standards related to the ethics of publishing and scientific research, through its keenness to respect all ethics and take the necessary measures against any unethical practices, the journal adopts "global" ethical standards of behavior in line with the guidelines recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and these standards concern all parties involved in the publication process (researchers, editorial board, scientific staff), so that each of them must adhere to them, based on their position and function, and ensure compliance with them, although failure to do so may result in taking the necessary measures.

The journal follows the ethics of scientific publishing and follows ethical guidelines to ensure best practices, which the author must honor.

The journal relies on the Code of Ethics for Scientific Research and Scientific Publishing, and regulations governing the refereeing process, and the process of selecting quality research that provides scientific addition to knowledge.

It is important that the author adheres to the ethics of scientific publishing and avoids any scientific plagiarism. In the event that scientific plagiarism is discovered, the journal takes the necessary measures by conducting the customary procedures where any party affected or discovering any plagiarism can write to the journal directly to verify it.

The journal works to prevent any conflict of interest, so the author must abide by the conditions of publication by avoiding sending his article to any journal until it is decided by the journal's boards. In addition, he must abide by the ethics of scientific research and scientific publication while not violating any conflict between him and the institutions sponsoring his study when publishing, given that he must inform the journal when submitting his article for publication.

The journal relies on plagiarism detection, whereby any article is rejected according to the journal's publication conditions in order to avoid scientific plagiarism and exaggerated plagiarism in accordance with the principles of international journals.

The editorial team, the scientific board, the referees, and the publisher are responsible for maintaining confidentiality and avoiding conflicts with any party while adhering to objectivity, neutrality, and accuracy in any task assigned to them from the beginning of the article submission until its final publication.

Peer Refereeing

-Please refer to the submission guidelines of the journal to which you wish to submit.

-The journal does not allow the use of suggested (recommended) reviewerss by the author at any stage of the submission process, whether through the online submission system or other means of communication.

-Reviewers must be experts in their fields and must be able to provide an objective assessment of the manuscript. It is our policy not to appoint reviewers for scientific research in the following cases:

The reviewer resides in the same organization as any of the co-authors.

The reviewer is based at the funding organization of the paper.

The reviewer has been recommended by the author.

The reviewer has provided a personal email account (Gmail/Yahoo/Hotmail) and an institutional email account cannot be found after a basic Google search of name, department, and organization.

-Please note that the journal editors are not required to invite any recommended or dissenting reviewers to evaluate your manuscript.

-The referee is committed to the ethics of scientific research and publication by evaluating the submitted manuscripts objectively and impartially according to recognized scientific principles.

-The article is judged by two referees in the specialty according to the subject matter of the submitted article.

-The referee is required to review the articles within the deadlines agreed upon by the journal's editorial board

-The journal is provided with the scientific biography of each referee, including degree, affiliation, and country.

-The referee must inform the editorial board of any conflicts of interest when reviewing the submitted manuscripts before starting the refereeing process

-The referee is required to maintain the confidentiality of the manuscripts during the refereeing process

-The journal adopts the Double-Blind Peer Review model.

Editors' criteria:

-Any manuscript submitted to the journal will be accepted and rejected on the basis of its scientific merit, originality, relevance, seriousness, and its contribution to scientific knowledge without any bias.

-Only manuscripts that are in line with the research interests of the journal will be accepted.

-Any unethical quality of manuscripts submitted for publication in the journal shall be reported.

-Editors coordinate with referees by communicating periodically to review manuscripts accurately and effectively, while maintaining their confidentiality regardless of their type and not revealing the identity of the referees or authors to any party.

-It is important to follow the journal's editorial policies and respect all publishing procedures in order to maintain the credibility of the journal and the quality of the research published in the journal.

-Submitted manuscripts are subjected to a program to avoid scientific plagiarism, with the need to respect the plagiarism rate in accordance with the conditions of publication.

Publisher standards:

-The publisher must adhere strictly to the ethical standards of publishing, in order to preserve the reputation and credibility of the journal.

-The publisher shall provide all necessary support to the journal in order to promote and develop it and preserve the legally guaranteed copyrights

-The publisher must intervene firmly and strictly to prevent articles or publications that violate the international ethical standards of publishing.


-The list of authors should include all those who can legitimately claim authorship.

-He or she agrees to be responsible for all aspects of the work to ensure that questions regarding the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are investigated and resolved appropriately by the author who submitted the manuscript.

-Authors must fulfill the requirements of all of the above points. Each author must have been sufficiently involved in the work to assume overall responsibility for appropriate sections of the content.

-When a large, multicenter group performs the work, the group must identify individuals who accept direct responsibility for the manuscript. These individuals must fully meet the criteria for authorship.

-For authors submitting the manuscript, all parties who made a substantial contribution to the article should be listed as authors. Primary authorship, authorship ranking, and other publication credits should be based on the relative scientific or professional contributions of the individuals involved, regardless of their status. A student is typically listed as lead author on any multi-author publication that is substantially derived from the student's thesis or dissertation.

Corresponding author

The single person who has primary responsibility for communicating with the journal during manuscript submission, peer review, and the publication process, and typically ensures that all administrative requirements of the journal, such as submission of authorship details, ethics committee approval, trial and field study registration documents, and conflict of interest forms and statements are properly completed. However, these duties may be delegated to one or more of the co-authors.

The corresponding author is the person who signs the publication agreement on behalf of all authors and whose contact details are included in the article. They must be available after publication to respond to critiques of the work and cooperate with any requests from the journal for additional data or information should questions about the paper arise after publication.

Scientific plagiarism:

The Journal takes issues of copyright infringement, plagiarism, or other violations of best practices in publishing very seriously. We seek to protect the rights of our authors and always investigate claims of plagiarism or misuse of published articles. Similarly, we seek to protect the reputation of the journal against malpractice. Submitted articles may be checked using a duplicate check program. Where it is found, for example, that an article has plagiarized other works or included third-party copyrighted material without permission or with insufficient acknowledgment, or where the authorship of the article is disputed, we reserve the right to take the appropriate action.


Editorial Policies

.1Submitting your article

The journal has its own editorial board and instructions for authors. To submit your article, visit the journal's homepage, click on the Manuscript Submission Guidelines link and submit your manuscript according to the publication terms.

Please be sure to read the journal's guidelines and adhere to its specific requirements. Please direct inquiries regarding the submission process to the journal's editorial board, details can be found in the journal's submission guidelines and more information can be found on the journal's website.

The journal follows the ethics of scientific publishing and follows ethical guidelines to ensure best practices, which the author must honor.

.2Editorial policies

Peer Refereeing Policy

  • Please refer to the submission guidelines of the journal to which you wish to submit.
  • The journal does not allow the use of suggested (recommended) reviewerss by the author at any stage of the submission process, whether through the online submission system or other means of communication.
  • Reviewers must be experts in their fields and must be able to provide an objective assessment of the manuscript. It is our policy not to appoint reviewers for scientific research in the following cases:

The reviewer resides in the same organization as any of the co-authors.

The reviewer is based at the funding organization of the paper.

The reviewer has been recommended by the author.

The reviewer has provided a personal email account (Gmail/Yahoo/Hotmail) and an institutional email account cannot be found after a basic Google search of name, department, and organization.

  • Please note that the journal editors are not required to invite any recommended or dissenting reviewers to evaluate your manuscript.
  • The referee is committed to the ethics of scientific research and publication by evaluating the submitted manuscripts objectively and impartially according to recognized scientific principles.
  • The article is judged by two referees in the specialty according to the subject matter of the submitted article.
  • The referee is required to review the articles within the deadlines agreed upon by the journal's editorial board
  • The journal is provided with the scientific biography of each referee, including degree, affiliation, and country.
  • The referee must inform the editorial board of any conflicts of interest when reviewing the submitted manuscripts before starting the refereeing process
  • The referee is required to maintain the confidentiality of the manuscripts during the refereeing process
  • The journal adopts the Double-Blind Peer Review model.

Editors' criteria:

  • Any manuscript submitted to the journal will be accepted and rejected on the basis of its scientific merit, originality, relevance, seriousness, and its contribution to scientific knowledge without any bias.
  • Only manuscripts that are in line with the research interests of the journal will be accepted.
  • Any unethical quality of manuscripts submitted for publication in the journal shall be reported.
  • Editors coordinate with referees by communicating periodically to review manuscripts accurately and effectively, while maintaining their confidentiality regardless of their type and not revealing the identity of the referees or authors to any party.
  • It is important to follow the journal's editorial policies and respect all publishing procedures in order to maintain the credibility of the journal and the quality of the research published in the journal.
  • Submitted manuscripts are subjected to a program to avoid scientific plagiarism, with the need to respect the plagiarism rate in accordance with the conditions of publication.

Publisher standards:

  • The publisher must adhere strictly to the ethical standards of publishing, in order to preserve the reputation and credibility of the journal.
  • The publisher shall provide all necessary support to the journal in order to promote and develop it and preserve the legally guaranteed copyrights
  • The publisher must intervene firmly and strictly to prevent articles or publications that violate the international ethical standards of publishing.


  • The list of authors should include all those who can legitimately claim authorship.
  • He or she agrees to be responsible for all aspects of the work to ensure that questions regarding the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are investigated and resolved appropriately by the author who submitted the manuscript.
  • Authors must fulfill the requirements of all of the above points. Each author must have been sufficiently involved in the work to assume overall responsibility for appropriate sections of the content.
  • When a large, multicenter group performs the work, the group must identify individuals who accept direct responsibility for the manuscript. These individuals must fully meet the criteria for authorship.
  • For authors submitting the manuscript, all parties who made a substantial contribution to the article should be listed as authors. Primary authorship, authorship ranking, and other publication credits should be based on the relative scientific or professional contributions of the individuals involved, regardless of their status. A student is typically listed as lead author on any multi-author publication that is substantially derived from the student's thesis or dissertation.

Corresponding author

The single person who has primary responsibility for communicating with the journal during manuscript submission, peer review, and the publication process, and typically ensures that all administrative requirements of the journal, such as submission of authorship details, ethics committee approval, trial and field study registration documents, and conflict of interest forms and statements are properly completed. However, these duties may be delegated to one or more of the co-authors.

The corresponding author is the person who signs the publication agreement on behalf of all authors and whose contact details are included in the article. They must be available after publication to respond to critiques of the work and cooperate with any requests from the journal for additional data or information should questions about the paper arise after publication.

.3Publication ethics

The Journal is committed to maintaining the integrity of scholarly publishing. We encourage authors to refer to the International Standards for Authors established by the Publication Ethics Committee.

.4Contributor's Publishing Agreement

Prior to publication, the Journal requires the author as the rights holder to sign the Contributor's Publishing Agreement whereby the journal is granted the sole and exclusive right and license to publish for the duration of the legal term of the copyright whereby it passes to the journal.

.5Open access publishing in the journal:

The journal allows open access publication of manuscripts

.6Preparing your manuscript

The journal uses double-blind peer review, authors are asked to submit a fully anonymized manuscript with a separate title page.

.7Formatting your article

The material submitted for publication must be original and has not been submitted for publication in any other entity, and the researcher submits a declaration to this effect and has no right to submit it for publication to any entity until it is decided by the journal's boards, and is liable to pay any damage in case of violation of this provision.

The author must notify the journal of any conflicts that may occur due to the submitted manuscript.

The author must follow the accepted scientific principles in preparing and writing research papers, especially with regard to proving sources of information, documenting quotations, and respecting scientific honesty in citing references, sources, and documentation.

If any plagiarism or any serious error in the article is proven, the article will be withdrawn from the journal's website and any aggrieved party can notify the journal.

The funding entity for the research, if any, must be identified when the article is submitted for publication by the author.

The article must be free of spelling, grammar, language and typographical errors.

For field studies, the known methodology should be respected, such as the review of the issue, the methodological procedures of the study, the method, the sample, the study instruments, the statistical methods, and the presentation and discussion of the results.

The journal adopts the American Psychological Association (APA) documentation system and the reference list is referenced accordingly.

When formatting your references, please be sure to check the journal's reference style and cite all references and sources referenced within the manuscript.

.8Artwork guidelines

Illustrations, photos and diagrams should be provided in the highest quality and in an electronic format that helps us publish your article in the best possible way.

Color: Please note that images provided in color will be published online and in black and white (unless otherwise arranged). Therefore, it is important that you provide comprehensible images in black and white as well (i.e. using color with a distinctive pattern or dotted lines).

.9Submitting your manuscript

Please see the submission guidelines for the journal

You must have an account in order to submit your manuscript for publication in the journal

The format file type should be the same as for other article formats.

A caption should be provided with the drawing.

Do not use images under a copyright license for graphic abstracts.

The final visualized abstract image should be sent with the accepted article.

.10About acceptance and publication

Your editor will keep you informed of the progress of your article throughout the production process. Evidence in PDF format will be sent to the corresponding author and must be returned promptly.

The journal is committed to sending the referees' reports to the author within the final result which takes several forms:

a. An accepted draft with no changes required

b. Manuscript accepted for publication with major modifications

c. Accepted manuscript with minor modifications

d. Rejected manuscript

.11Access to the article:

The author has access to their published article where the final article can be viewed through the journal's website.








Etude comparative des modèles du comportement humain

هدار يمينة, 

Résumé: L’analyse des accidents du travail ainsi que les études théoriques ont abouti à la fois que le comportement humain est la cause principale des accidents du travail. De ce fait, l’étude de la prédiction dudit comportement s’avère primordial chez plusieurs chercheurs. C’est dans ce contexte que notre étude s’intègre en vue de réaliser une revue de la littérature sur l’ensemble des théories expliquant le mécanisme par lequel se produit un comportement donné. A ce propos des publications scientifiques, des livres et des thèses en français et en anglais ont été revu à travers les moteurs de recherches tels que Google Scholar, Mendeley et Opentheses tout en utilisant des mots clés liés au cadre de notre étude. Nous tenons à signaler également que la plage du temps de notre recherche s’est étendue de l’année 2000 au 2022. Par conséquent, la revue de la littérature qui a été faite, nous a permis d’en tirer six modèles mettant en exergue les prédicteurs et les déterminants du comportement humain. En comparant les théories mentionnées dans cette présente étude, il semble que celle du comportement planifié est la plus robuste voir sa puissance prédictive et la pertinence de ces composantes dans l’anticipation de l’acte humain.

Mots clés: Comportement ; Modèles ; Prédiction ; Santé et sécurité au travail ; Comparaison ; Revue de la littérature

العوامل المتسببة في حوادث العمل والآثار الناجمة عنها في المؤسسات الصناعية

بوراس أسية, 

الملخص: تهدف هذه المداخلة إلى توضيح مفهوم حوادث العمل وتصنيفاتها، والتي تمثل حادت غير متوقع ومفاجئ وعنيف يسبب إصابة شخصية للعامل ويلحق الضرر به وبصحته وبالوسائل والمعدات التي يستخدمها في عمله. والتي قد تحدث بسبب: عوامل فيزيقية في محيط العمل كالإضاءة والحرارة والتهوية والضوضاء والراجعة لسوء تصميم مكان العمل، أو بسبب طبيعة العمل وقسوته وخطورته ومناوبات العمل فيه وقلة فترات الراحة التي تعطى للعامل، أو بسبب كذلك عوامل شخصية إنسانية مرتبطة بالعامل كالخبرة والذكاء والسن والجنس والصحة النفسية والحالة المزاجية والعوامل اللاشعورية والتعب وقابلية الفرد للحوادث وقلة دافعية العامل ونقص مهاراته واهماله. مما ينجم عن ذلك آثار مختلفة في شكلها وحجمها ومدة تأثيرها تصنف إلى: آثار اقتصادية كنفقات العلاج وخسائر في الآلات وتكلفة الوقت الضائع لأداء العمل وتدريب عامل جديد، وآثار اجتماعية كبقاء العامل المصاب في البيت طيلة فترة الإصابة مما يأثر على أسرته ومدخولها الذي يلبي احتياجاتها إضافة إلى التخوف من وقوع حوادث أخرى وفقدان المؤسسة والمجتمع لعامل ماهر، وآثار صحية كحدوث اضطرابات على مستوى الأعضاء في جسم الانسان تؤدي إلى العجز الوظيفي المؤقت أو الدائم أو إلى الإعاقة، وآثار معنوية غير ملموسة تؤثر على الحالة النفسية للعامل. Summery: This intervention aims to clarify the concept of work accidents and their classifications, which represent an unexpected, sudden, and violent accident that causes personal injury to the worker and harms him, his health, and the equipment’s used in his task. Which may occur due to: physical factors in the work environment, such as lighting, heat, ventilation, noise, due to poor design of the workplace, or due to the nature of the work, its harshness and danger, the working shifts, and the lack of rest periods given to the worker, or also due to personal human related factors, such as experience, intelligence, age, gender, and psychological health. Mood, subconscious factors, fatigue, the individual's susceptibility to accidents, the worker's lack of motivation, lack of skills, and negligence. This results in different effects in their form, size, and duration of impact, which are classified into: economic effects, such as treatment expenses, losses in machinery, the cost of time lost to perform work, and training for a new worker, and social effects, such as unpaid vacation leave over work accident, which affects their living income directly, in addition to Fear of the occurrence of other accidents in future and the loss of the skilled workforce either by institution or society, health effects such as the occurrence of disorders at the level of organs in the human body that leading to temporary functional disability or permanent disability, and intangible moral effects that affect the psychological state of the worker.

الكلمات المفتاحية: ح ; حادث العمل ; تصنيفاتها ; ع ; الع ; امل المتسببة فيها ; آثارها

دور التكوين في تحقيق السلامة المهنية للعمال -دراسة استكشافية على عمال الحماية المدنية بولاية معسكر-

فاضل فايزة,  بلال لبنة, 

الملخص: تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى الكشف عن دور التكوين المهني في تحقيق السلامة المهنية للعمال، وهي دراسة استكشافية على عمال الحماية المدنية بولاية معسكر، ومن أجل تحقيق ذلك قامت الباحثتان باستخدام استبيان تم تصميمه لهذا الغرض، وتم تطبيقه على عينة مكونة من 80 عامل، وذلك باتباع المنهج الوصفي الاستكشافي، ولقد أسفرت هذه الدراسة عن وجود مستوى مرتفع لإستجابات عمال الحماية المدنية لولاية معسكر حول دور التكوين في تحقيق السلامة المهنية، وكذا عدم وجود فروق ذات دلالة احصائية من حيث وجهة نظر عمال الحماية المدنية حول دور التكوين في تحقيق السلامة المهنية تعزى للمتغيرات التالية: السن، سنوات الأقدمية، وفي الأخير تم ادراج مجموعة من الاقتراحات والتوصيات العلمية والعملية. الكلمات المفتاحية: التكوين، التكوين المهني، الاحتياجات التكوينية، السلامة المهنية، الصحة المهنية. This study aims to reveal the role of vocational training in the achievement of workers' occupational safety. It is an exploratory study on civil protection workers in the state of Mascara To this end, the two researchers used a questionnaire designed for this purpose, which was applied to a sample of 80 workers, following the analytical descriptive curriculum. This study resulted in a high level of civil protection workers' response to the mandate of a camp on the role of formation in achieving occupational safety. as well as the absence of statistically significant differences in civil protection workers' perspectives on the role of formation in achieving occupational safety attributable to the following variables: age, seniority years and, ultimately, a series of scientific and practical suggestions and recommendations. Key words : Training, Training needs, occupational safety, occupational health.

الكلمات المفتاحية: التكوين ; التكوين المهني ; الاحتياجات التكوينية ; السلامة المهنية ; الصحة المهنية

المخاطر المهنية و أنواعها

وقاف مختار,  زديرة خمار, 

الملخص: لقد شهدت المؤسسات الصناعية في الآونة الأخيرة تطورا ملحوظا،فقد تنوعت الآلات وتعقدت الأنساق ، وأصبحت بيئة العمل تحتوي على الكثير من المخاطر المهنية ،من مخاطر متعلقة بالآلات و مخاطر متعلقة بالمخاطر الكيميائية والمخاطر الفيزيائية و الكهربائية ،و المخاطر الحيوية المتعلقة بالفيروسات (فيروس كورونا) و الجراثيم و الميكروبات ،بالإضافة إلى المخاطر النفسية الاجتماعية ،مما يشكل خطرا على العامل الذي يعمل و هو معرض لها،و التي تؤدي إلى الإصابة بحوادث عمل وأمراض مهنية كثيرة. : Industrial institutions have recently witnessed remarkable development. Machinery has diversified and systems have become complex, and the work environment now contains many occupational risks, including risks related to machines, risks related to chemical risks, physical and electrical risks, and biological risks related to viruses (Coronavirus). Germs and microbes, in addition to psychosocial risks, which pose a danger to the worker who works and is exposed to them, which leads to many work accidents and occupational diseases.

الكلمات المفتاحية: المخاطر المهنية ; المخاطر الكيميائية ; المخاطر الحيوية ; بيئة العمل ; Occupational hazards ; chemical hazards ; biological hazards ; work environment

تعـزيز ثقافة السلامة المهنية لدى المورد البشري في المؤسسة الصناعية الجزائرية - قراءة تحليلية-

مغـمــولـي نصيــرة, 

الملخص: - تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تسليط الضوء على أهمية تعزيز ثقافة السلامة المهنية للمورد البشري في المؤسسة الصناعية الجزائرية بغية تقليل حوادث العمل وبعض الآليات الممكنة لهذا الغرض من خلال المسؤولية الفردية والتنظيمية وإدراج بعض تدخلات إدارة الموارد البشرية على وجه التحديد لتوطين هذه الثقافة في فكر العاملين مما قد ينعكس إيجابا على سلوكهم التنظيمي. - توصلت الدراسة الحالية إلى أن هنالك دورا للثقافة التنظيمية السائدة في تعزيز الوقاية والأمن من المخاطر الصناعية في المؤسسات الجزائرية ذات الطابع الصناعي، كما أن هنالك مسؤولية مشتركة للموارد البشرية وإدارة التنظيم على حد سواء في اكتساب قيم إيجابية كالحفاظ على النفــــس من الحوادث المهنية. This study aims to shed light on the importance of strengthening the culture of occupational safety for the human resource in the Algerian industrial enterprise in order to reduce work accidents, and some possible mechanisms for this purpose through individual and organizational responsibility, and producing some human resources management interventions specifically to localize this culture in the minds of workers, .which may reflect positively on their organizational behavior The current study found the role of organizational culture in enhancing the culture of prevention and security from industrial risks in Algerian institutions with an industrial nature, and the positive role and shared responsibility of human resources and organizational management both .in acquiring positive values such as protecting oneself from professional accidents

الكلمات المفتاحية: الثقافة، ; السلامة المهنية ; ثقافة السلامة المهنية ; المورد البشري ; المؤسسة الصناعية

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2 051 طرق التعامل مع الضغوط النفسية في بيئات العمل: قراءة تحليلية في إستراتجيات التعامل لدى الأفراد والمنظمات 1 990 أهم الأساليب التدريبية المستخدمة في تطوير الموارد البشرية في المنظمة 1 623 التفكك الأسري بين الآثار والحلول دراسة سوسيو انثروبولوجية 1 181 .التنمر المدرسي : الأشكال و العوامل و النظريات المفسرة له 1 166 الألعاب الألكترونية وعلاقتها بانتشار العنف عند الأطفال 940 ميادين علم النفس العمل والتنظيم ووظيفة ودور الأخصائي في المؤسسة. 893 دلالة التمايز في مكونات ما وراء الذاكرة كأحد المعالجات ما وراء المعرفية للمعلومات لدى الطلبة الجامعيين العرب في ضوء الجنس والجنسية: دراسة فارقة عبر ثقافية 760 العوامل المؤثرة في استدامة الميزة التنافسية للمدارس الثانوية بمحافظة غزة (فلسطين) 715 مستوى هندرة إدارة الموارد البشرية والإبداع الإداري لدى عينة من موظفي جامعة قاصدي مرباح ورقلة بالجزائر 557 أهمية الصحة النفسية والتكيف المهني للعامل