Revue des sciences et sciences de l’ingénieur
Volume 7, Numéro 1, Pages 34-43

Assessment Of Non-detection Zone Of Different Active Anti-islanding Methods For Single And Multi-inverters Grid Connected Photovoltaic Power Systems

Authors : Barkat Fadila .


An anti-islanding detection technique is essential for a grid connected solar inverter to avoid substantial safety accident. Currently many anti islanding detection methods are proposed in the literature and implemented practically. Among these methods are active methods which are used to reduce and eliminate the non-detection zone when the power is almost balanced between source, grid and load. However, it is believed that if two or more solar inverters are connected to the same point of the common coupling point, their performance may degrade and can fail in detecting an islanding. Thus, it is necessary to analysis the non-detection zone of current islanding detection methods. In this paper the commonly used active methods namely active frequency drift, Sandia frequency Shift and slip mode frequency shift are comprehensively investigated for one and multiple inverter system in terms of non-detection zone. Results showed that when the entire inverting system adapts Sandia frequency Shift or slip mode frequency shift Islanding detection methods, the detection accuracy is higher than other scenarios although the error measuring sensors makes the perturbation produced by the inverters counteract mutually.


islanding; NDZ; active methods; inveters; PV