Volume 15, Numéro 1, Pages 7-15
Authors : Kissi Khalida .
In its attempt at treating texts from a social and a linguistic point of view, critical discourse analysis has been proposed both as a theory and a method as well. In this respect, Roger declares 'that CDA (Critical Discourse Analysis) offers not only a description and interpretation of discourses in social context but also offers an explanation of why and how discourses work.
Critical, Discourse, Analysis, Ideology, Translation.
Thawabteh Mohammad Ahmad
Abu Radwan Adel
pages 85-97.
1. Kelkoula/ 2. Belounis Nachoua/ Khaoula
pages 561-569.
Abdellaoui Said
pages 38-57.
Prof. Abdelhay Bakhta Abdelhadi Amina
pages 135-152.
Valdez Cristian
Lomeña Galiano María
pages 86-112.