مجلة أنثروبولوجية الأديان
Volume 6, Numéro 1, Pages 16-33

Islamic Influence In Architectural And Urban Design (for A Sustainable Islamic Architecture Integrated Into The Present Uses)

Authors : Houcine Rahoui .


his paper develops some emerging aspects of the architectural and urban Islamic heritage. It attempts to bring a synthetic highlighting on the socio-historic and religious foundations of this latter. Our purpose is to manage to show that architecture and Islamic town planning are not the result of a spontaneous practice, but of series of products theoretically reflected, technically controlled and socially integrated. In the end, this has allowed us to plead in favor of a critical revisit for a still functional and viable architecture. Sensitizing and popularization of architecture and Islamic design by massmedia, school and university are requirements of its rehabilitation.


Islamic, influence,architectural, urban, design ,sustainable)