مجلة البحوث التاريخية
Volume 3, Numéro 1, Pages 78-89

تأثير الإصلاحات العثمانية على تونس من خلال إتحاف أهل الزمان لأحمد بن أبي الضياف

الكاتب : منى صالحي .


الملخص باللغة العربية: كانت الدعوة إلى الإصلاح في الدولة العثمانية ضرورة ملحة خلال القرن التاسع عشر، فظهرت عدة مشاريع إصلاحية؛ منها المشروع الإصلاحي المتأثر بالغرب والذي طبق بضغط من الدول الاستعمارية، ولم يقتصر الأمر على استانبول بل انتقلت الإصلاحات إلى بعض المقاطعات العثمانية ومنها تونس؛ والتي عرفت في وقت مبكر تنظيمات وقوانين على شاكلة الإصلاحات العثمانية، وهي أول بلد إسلامي طبق الدستور. فما الذي جعل تونس تطبق الإصلاحات العثمانية وتكون رائدة في ذلك؟ وماهي تأثيراتها؟ الملخص بالانجليزية: The Reforms in the Ottoman Empire were an necessity during the 19th century. Several reform projects emerged. Among them were the Western-influenced reform project, which was applied under the pressure of the colonial powers, not only in Istanbul but also in some Ottoman provinces, including Tunisia; Early Ottoman-style organizations and laws, the first Islamic country to implement the constitution. What made Tunisia implement the Ottoman reforms and be a leader in that? What are their effects. to answer these questions, we will rely mainly on the book "Etahaf Ahl al-Zaman" by Ibn Abi Diaf. He is one of the pioneers of reform in the Tunisian country. He was the writer of Bay and his messenger to Istanbul. In our study, we will study the reforms in the Ottoman Empire. We will study the concept of reform or regulations that the Ottoman Empire recognized in the nineteenth century. we study the conditions that forced the Ottoman Empire to introduce reforms on the European approach. And conflicts within the Ottoman Empire among the advocates of reform and conservatives of the traditional system. Then the circumstances and factors of the movement of organizations to Tunisia and address the external and internal factors that helped to do so. We study the pressure of the Ottoman Empire on the Bayat of Tunisia to implement reforms or so-called "regulations".Then we turn to the changes that have taken place in the legal and constitutional system in Tunisia, and the extent to which the ruling authority and educated elite in Tunisia interact with the new laws. We then study the reasons for the social groups that benefited from the reforms in Tunisia. And what the reasons for failure and the results of failure. we study the conditions that forced the Ottoman Empire to introduce reforms on the European approach. And conflicts within the Ottoman Empire among the advocates of reform and conservatives of the traditional system. Then the circumstances and factors of the movement of organizations to Tunisia and address the pressures of the Ottoman Empire on the Bayat of Tunisia for the implementation of reforms or the so-called "regulations" and the pressure of the European state, especially France and England to implement the reform, and the position of Bayat Tunisia and the development of their position, and then study the internal factors that helped to apply Reforms, including the political and economic conditions of Tunisia, and the emergence of an educated elite influenced by the West encouraged the implementation of reforms. Then we turn to the changes that have taken place in the legal and constitutional system in Tunisia, and the extent to which the ruling authority and educated elite in Tunisia interact with the new laws. We then examine the reasons for the social groups that benefited from the reforms in Tunisia. And what the reasons for failure and the results of failure. And finally the results of the study الملخص بالفرنسية: Les réformes de l'Empire ottoman étaient une nécessité au XIXe siècle et plusieurs projets de réforme ont vu le jour, parmi lesquels le projet de réforme sous influence occidentale, appliqué sous la pression des puissances coloniales, non seulement à Istanbul, mais également dans certaines provinces ottomanes, dont la Tunisie; Règlements et lois de style ottoman, le premier pays islamique à appliquer la constitution. Qu'est-ce qui a poussé la Tunisie à mettre en œuvre les réformes ottomanes et à être un leader dans ce domaine?

الكلمات المفتاحية

الإصلاحات التونسية ; التنظيمات ; عهد الأمان 1857. ; الدستور التونسي 1861 ; Tunisian reforms ; Tanzimat ; Tunisian Constitution of 1861 ; Fundamental Pact of 1857 ; Réformes tunisiennes ; Constitution de 1861 ; Pacte fondamental de 1857