Volume 7, Numéro 13, Pages 231-244

قراءة سوسيولوجية لسلوك ودور المريض

الكاتب : فاطمة مساني .


In this article, we are trying to study the behavior and the place taken by the sick-person, in different studies elaborated by the American Sociologist: TALCOTT PARSONS, who considered that, the sick behavior as the deficiency in organically members, and its evaluation until finding a cure. This is considered as a set of behavioral activities about the illness, and also the referring group of the sick-person, its irresponsibility towards the sick, and the responsibility of the healthy persons who surrounded him. And who gives him some compassion. In the past, the analysis of medical topics was doing only by the specialists, but nowadays with the introducing of another disciplines as: sociology, psychology and anthropology in the medical field  , those contribute to interpret and to explain any medical phenomena  , mainly those analyzed by: TALCOTT PARSONS in the medical sociology, where he analyzed separately the place taken by the doctor and the sick-person, and their different relationships. As a result, he founded a kind of complementarities between these two partners even if, there were some divergence and inequality in their level  , and where the doctor is taking, the first rank whereas the sick-person is in the second one.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Key words: TALCOTT PARSONS, The doctor, the patient, behavior and role sick.