revue algerienne des études sociologiques
Volume 4, Numéro 1, Pages 379-397

Self-confidence And Language Teaching: A Socio-psychological Outlook

Authors : Zakia Djebbari .


In language learning and teaching, many educational psychologists place a heavy emphasis on some personality traits that may influence learning a foreign language. Self-confidence is one of the vital variants that may promote either failure or success in language learning. However, it is often reported that EFL learners may feel much anxiety and lack self-confidence in the process of language learning. What seems to be noticeable from a number of studies is that the ‘interpersonal’ aspects of language learning, namely speaking and listening, seems to be the greatest source of anxiety among students. Therefore, quite a number of researchers and language teachers seem to be aware of the urgent need to boost EFL students’ self-confidence, both in terms of oral participation and confidence in their general linguistic abilities. Hence, the present paper calls for the attention towards the ‘self’ of learners because based on the feeling about themselves, they may in all probabilities be more active and autonomous.


self-confidence, language teaching, sociology, psychology.