recherches économiques
Volume 8, Numéro 8, Pages 143-158

مقومات مؤسسات اقتصاد المعرفة لتحقيق التنافسية الدولية

الكاتب : كمال رزيق .


The purpose of create institutional models of the knowledge economy، is to provide infrastructure and advanced services necessary، to form developed industrial agglomerations with advanced research centers assist in the development of technology industries with strategic dimensions for overall development، our study talk about the institutions of the knowledge economy، so when state decide to elevate the level of national economy، through advanced technology industries، which do formation technical industrial agglomerations which in turn affect the increased exports of technology products، and raises the level of productivity، value added، the number of high-paying jobs and global competitiveness developed

الكلمات المفتاحية

Institutional models, Knowledge economy, Industrial agglomerations, Technology industries