الحوار المتوسطي
Volume 6, Numéro 1, Pages 319-349

سوسيولوجيا الثورة في الفكر الخلدوني ،دراسة معاصرة للربيع العربي في ضوء مقدمة ابن خلدون

الكاتب : علاء زهير الرواشدة .


This is an induction sociological analytical study for Ibn khldoun revolution thinking aims at identifying revolution concept as mentioned in ibn Khadoun introductory and concepts that have the same meaning as war , addition to identify forms ,aims ,reasons , ways ,results ,characteristics of leaders of revolutions and its effects on political and social life .and trying to predict the future of Arabic spring in light of Ibn Khaldoun Thoughts .And through analytical deep induction method for the revolution and wars related chapters in Ibn Khaldoun introductory, and the most important references that discussed the subject directly. After presenting , discussing and analyzing the study concluded a group of conclusions about revolutions concept, its reasons ,forms and results.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Party spirit war - revolution status.