الحوار المتوسطي
Volume 7, Numéro 1, Pages 71-96

الضوابط المنهجية والقضايا العلمية لإعادة قراءة القرآن الكريم: (إعادة قراءة القرآن) لجاك بيرك (1910- 1995م) نموذجا

الكاتب : عبد الرحيم الإسماعيلي الدكالي .


Abstract: I was born contemporary Qur'anic text readings in light of the decline of the classical, and the intensification of attacks neglect and marginalization against them. Both of which began in the midst of the prevalence trends (modernism), or the spread of trends (postmodern), both directions share the starting point of the disarmament of holiness for the Quranic text.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Orientalist- translation- contemporary Quranic - religion- modernism