مجلة الحكمة للدراسات الاعلامية والإتصالية
Volume 4, Numéro 4, Pages 106-122
الكاتب : باديس مجاني .
Summary This study that is titled "contribution of written press about fighting against crime" wich is containing a set of goals listed followingly: -the knowledge of the prominence given to the crime’s news by the newspaper. -Searching for the journalists’ intention to this news -Looking for the journalists abilities in facing the crime -Knowledge of crime's type that is focused by the newspaper So ; this study, could reach to how many results amoung these: -the newspapers did not give a lot of importance to the crime’s news -it has not intensified of its time end its earia to treat the events - it has not followed the news with pictures -the attitude of the newspaper from the crimes was so negative according to the dangerous of the phenomena.
constribusion, written press, fight, crime.
بلغيث رؤى
ثابت دنيازاد
ص 741-760.
أرزقي سي حاج محند
ص 127-144.