مجلة التغير الاجتماعي
Volume 1, Numéro 2, Pages 511-528

De L’anthropologie En Général à L’antrhropologie Du Maghreb

Auteurs : Pr. Nadir Marouf .


Anthropology is a specialty whose bounderies have always been ambiguous and whose directions has not ceased to change by taking into consideration : the context, the taste of the times and ideologies. It has a history of the following stages: 1/Romantic 2/Cantonese based on the heritage of Aristotle 3/Durkheimia 4/Colonial 5/Postcolonialism. It was dominated by 3 main orientations produced by 3 schools: French, English and American. As for Algeria in this last stage, the networks of analysis crossed from structural, functional and pervasive, and there was a context that caused the displacement of the research from the former colonial country to the colonised country. The research also sought to address the folklore phenomenon for the purpose of valuing the heritage and took the official position that there is no place except for social sciences which contribute to national construction and development and considered anthropology to be colonial. The new data of the national state, the emerging bourgeoisie, the economies of developing countries and services have become distinctive subjects of the study of anthropology.

Mots clés

l’anthropologie,l’anthropologie du Maghreb