المجلة الجزائرية للبحوث والدراسات التاريخية المتوسطية
Volume 3, Numéro 2, Pages 84-99
الكاتب : حمدادو بن عمر .
This paper deals with an issue that has long confused the people of Africa themselves and then the northern world as well, as Africa is a backward southern world, does not live up to the matrix of the North. It is a false belief. The identity of Africa is rooted in history for thousands of years. On this basis, the ideas of the northern world are illogical and somewhat impractical. This is in fact exemplified by the precious works of African scholars (manuscripts and rare documents). These precious manuscripts truly reflect Africa's cultural identity and its forward-looking future. We see this clearly through the manuscript of the "" قبيلة فلان في الماضي والحاضر ما لها من العلوم والمعرفة والمآثر . It is a manuscript that deals with the history of the African tribe of Fallan and the extent of its penetration into African society. This intervention attempts to define one of the works of African scientists that is part of its cultural identity.
هوية إفريقيا الثقافية من خلال مخطوط "قبيلة فلان في الماضي والحاضر ومالها من العلوم والمعرفة والمآثر" للشيخ محمد باي بلعالم
بوزيزاوي محمد
ص 67-81.
الشارف مسعود
بلالي مبارك
ص 177-191.
بن قومار لخضر
ص 365-384.