دفاتر السياسة والقانون
Volume 10, Numéro 18, Pages 339-352

الجهود الدولية الرامية لتوحيد قانون التجارة الدولية

الكاتب : قدة حبيبة .


Economic globalization known by the majority of countries tends to liberalize international commerce and to remove geographic and territorial borders, thing that resulted in the emergence of a new approach tending to unify the international commerce rules in a form of a standard international agreement. Therefore, recent international commerce agreements and real cooperation between countries in commercial matters are closely working to create an entity and an integrated legal system to be considered as a common law that shall be observed by all national legislation in matter of both international and local commerce agreements.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Unification theory- International Commerce- Standard agreement- National legislation- Law to be implemented- competent court- e-commerce.