دفاتر السياسة والقانون
Volume 10, Numéro 19, Pages 685-694

الإلغاء الجزئي للقرار الإداري المخاصم دراسة تحليلية في ضوء الفقه و التشريع المقارن

الكاتب : قليل علاء الدين .


After having exercised his control, the administrative judge decides, in the context of the action for annulment in Administrative judiciary to annul the unlawful administrative decision, but sometimes, can cancel the illegal part only, without the annulment of an entire decision. In this study, I looked closely at the theory of partial annulment of the administrative decision, in the range of Administrative Law and Administrative judiciary.

الكلمات المفتاحية

administrative judge, partial annulment, administrative decisions, administrative judiciary