Volume 11, Numéro 1, Pages 239-251

التحرش المعنوي في اماكن العمل: مقاربة نظرية وبائية

الكاتب : بوناح حكيمة .


This subject of moral harassment in the workplace knows at the present time a widespreadinterest within the scient ific and academic communit ies, since such phenomenon has previously been covered up as it was considered as complicated and classified as taboos. The present approach is based on the understanding and comprehension of the mechanisms pertaining to the aggressive behavior of the moral harassment, and the extend of its impact on psychological and physical healt h, which considerably strengthens and generates psychological, pathological and psychosomat ic disorders at the. workers who leaves cruel sufferance in the absence of legal protection in Algeria and the weakness of care and accompaniment within the inst itution or the organizat ion The adjustment of such phenomenon of theoretical basis contributes in predict ing the behaviorof the moral harassment and searching, as a result of which, the effective solutions for facing purpose to this phenomenon within the workplaces.

الكلمات المفتاحية

moral harassment - generates psychological - The harasser -