الاكاديمية للدراسات الاجتماعية و الانسانية
Volume 4, Numéro 1, Pages 34-41

صورة المراة في الامثال الشعبية الاردنية

الكاتب : الشرفات صالح سويلم .


This study examines the portrayal of woman in the Jordanian folk proverbs, as the value of proverbs are deeply rooted in Jordanian culture for instance, proverbs often occur informally in everyday discourse, the sample of this study consists of all women proverbs in, Alozaizi, (1982) and Alamad (1996) folklore books as prime resources and other folklore books as sub resources, to answer the research questions content analysis method was applied. This study revealed that the vast majority of Jordanian proverbs portray woman negatively in many roles like daughter, unmarried women, divorced woman, widow, and old woman, which manifest views that underestimate woman while the proverbs that introduce positive image was a small portion specially in the role of the woman as a mother. In the light of the study results, recommendations were made to set a comprehensive plan to correct the negative stereotype against woman as this stroptype not connted with Islamic view for woman.

الكلمات المفتاحية

المرأة، الأمثال الشعبية، تحليل المحتوى.

صور المرأة السودانية في الامثال الشعبية

دكتور مرتضى بابكر أحمد عباس . 
ص 72-87.