الاكاديمية للدراسات الاجتماعية و الانسانية
Volume 3, Numéro 2, Pages 11-21

الانتاج الانظف بين الصيانة الانتاجية الشاملة وانظمة التصنيع الحديثة

الكاتب : مزريق عاشور .


Find industrial establishments in the activity a great challenge, and strategic, is to comply with the requirements of environmental constraints as one of economic feasibility, according to which the adoption of clean technology and environmentally safe than to reduce the impact of contaminated emissions to achieve a balance between continuity in production and environmental commitment, as is - currently - the search for efficiency environmental impacts of industrial enterprises is a major priority for officials, rapid development of the methods of exploitation of resources and technologies they require constant vigilance toward the search for the best environmentally competitive technology, to better ensure the Performance capital invested in accordance with environmental requirements. Full awareness of these requirements, given the industrial enterprises in developed countries and in-depth look true to the traditions of production and organization evolving science, evolving a new system introduced in Europe since the mid-eighties in particular at the level of large industrial companies, which is applicable in many small and medium enterprises, enabling the creation of significant improvements to the level of quality, productivity, re-activation, competitiveness; Accordingly Correct perspective of this perception is not to increase the productive capacity of the institution as it focuses on how to create flexibility with technological and environmental constraints, as inevitably pass through rapid adaptation of productive assets and revitalization of the classification of the production system of modern industrial production, real-time «just in time», which depends on the principle of maximizing the efficiency zeros. It contributes to the continuous flow of production according to the specifications, operational and free from defects environment; All of these actions will increase the effectiveness and reliability of the equipment but the loss in productivity is expected to double production at the level of special workshops during the supply, transfer or layering or between the production stage and the other, the economic sense or wasteful operations without added value. It costs weaken the turnover of the Corporation, the while the pressure is on the cost of production is the main factor in measuring the competitiveness of any productive activity. The system of production is free of defects is a component of the overall productivity maintenance « Total Productivity Maintenance ».

الكلمات المفتاحية

Cleaner production Technology, environmental feasibility, Modern manufacturing systems, Designing for manufacturability, High performance, total productivity Maintenance, erotechnology system, Just In Time production, Industrial Pollution, synthetic effectiveness.