Volume 10, Numéro 1, Pages 341-346

La Pratique Théâtrale Au Service De La Construction Identitaire Durant La Période Coloniale

Authors : Laroussi Ali .


In theatrical practice in Algeria, the question of language has always been at the center of the debate given the complexity of the language situation. During the colonial period, playwrights Algerians have understood that dialectal Arabic is an interactive means of communication with the audience, the public. Of first an entertainment, comedy theatre, then awareness of awareness, awakening, denouncing the socio-economic conditions, political and psychological that lived the Algerian people. This practice has created a theatre of derision and who changed their orientation toward a theater committed view of the events that the country. This article tries to show the role played by dialectal Arabic in emancipation, public awareness as well as in building the identity of the Algerian people. This choice of language is considered to be a break with the literary Arabic language theatre, which has had its failures with spectators.


theatrical practice-dialectal Arabic-building the identity-enrollment- receivers/spectators.