Volume 10, Numéro 1, Pages 64-77
Auteurs : Allal Lamia .
Our reflection focuses on enunciative and co-enunciative instances at the level of media discourse. These are not always apparent in the chronicle "Raina Raikoum" published by Kamel Daoud on the newspaper "Quotidiend'Oran". Indeed, the author has the characteristic of playing between the different enunciative marks that indicate a distancing or disengagement Our analysis aims to show the limit of commitment and/or the limit of disengagement in his speech.
Media Speech - chronic - enunciation - Co-enunciation -target reader.
Zanat Wided
pages 260-275.
Hassani Rima Aida
pages 43-51.
Rima - Aida ريما عيدة Hassani حساني
pages 228-238.
Hassani Rima Aida
pages 37-50.
Habibi Tifour
Atmane Yahya Abdeldjébar
pages 647-662.