Volume 7, Numéro 2, Pages 12-18

Truck-farming Supplying In The Yaoundé Mfoundi Market-cameroun

Auteurs : Mfewou Abdoulay . Engwali Fon Dorothy . Nchoutnji Ibrahim .


Known as a fight against unemployment of the jobless people, the trade truck-farming activity permits to supply a regular fresh product to Yaoundé city consumers. This activity is based on the group of actors: youth, women and men why not the “bayam sellam”. It is revealed that the 163 investigated actors have spent an academic trip before giving up. This study on the Yaoundé Mfoundi market truck- farming supplying shows less of gain mark for the decent life of these resource fullness actors. Our result shows80% of actors who haven’t got any conventional financial resources from the Bank, they count on their personal capital fund (traditional money saving, mixed aid, micro finance aid). Among the traders they are 57% of women over 43% men. The big traders are moved to the production area in order to supply the small traders. Our study on the revenues shows that 47% of actors have a day gain less than 40000 francs per day against 6% of those who win more than 41000 per day. Wholly, the day gains still not continue within the time. By comparing a day gain of the big traders to the revenue superior to 40000 Fcfa (1,84%) against the organization of the common interest group (2,84%), we realize that the daily revenue still poor. The majority of actors haven’t got a decent life and the activity still precarious. This situation will create the lack of simply and the lack of the fresh truck-farming products at the Yaoundé city market Mfoundi.

Mots clés

Yaoundé market, supplying vegetable crops.