مجلة الحكمة للدراسات التاريخية
Volume 1, Numéro 2, Pages 03-12

Sheikh Mohammad Abdou’s Visit To Algeria On ‎‎1903 ‎

Authors : M’hamed Draoui .


The visit of Sheikh Mohammed Abdou to Algiers during the ‎summer of 1903, was particularly important; First of all, he was the ‎most important religious figure in the Islamic world at that time; ‎and one of the leaders of the modern renaissance, with his partner ‎Sheikh Jamal Eddin El-Afghani, he was also a mufti in Egypt, and ‎one of the pillars of Al-Azhar university, which represents the ‎Islamic reference to the Sunnis across the Islamic world. Besides, ‎he has a good reputation in the Islamic and occident circles.‎ The visit of Sheikh Mohammed Abdou to Algiers came in special ‎conditions: At the end of the nineteenth century, Algeria seemed ‎to be over, and its religious and cultural personality has vanished; ‎Plus, its French governors on the Civil Era at the end of the ‎nineteenth century, and their settlers allies who became the masters ‎in Algeria worked on the implementation of their new projects on a ‎larger scale, by reorganizing Algeria without regard to the Algerians ‎or their religious and cultural identity according to a deliberate ‎systematic plan.‎


Sheikh Mohammad Abdou’s